CPF Scholarship Application

The Connecticut Pharmacists Association & The Connecticut Pharmacists Foundation Scholarship Awards were established to support promising students pursuing careers in the field of pharmacy.

Seven scholarships of $1,000 each are awarded annually and presented at the CPA Annual Conference Awards Banquet in September.


Scholarship applicants must be enrolled in an accredited school or college of pharmacy (not necessarily in Connecticut) as a P1, P2, P3 or final year student at the time of application. Pharmacy students who graduate in May 2025 would not be qualified.


Applicants must submit application materials by July 15, 2025.

Using the form below, please submit the following materials

  • Completed application form with essay
  • Curriculum vitae
    *PLEASE NOTE: Letters of recommendation are no longer a part of the application process. However, applicants may include contact information for personal and professional references or sponsors.

Academics and Related Qualifications

Leadership, Awards and Honors, Community Involvement

Extracurricular Experiences

Please insert an essay including the following information in 500 words or less (we suggest you draft it in a word processing app and then copy/paste the final version here). * WHAT/WHO INSPIRES YOU TO ADVANCE THE PRACTICE OF PHARMACY? * WHY SHOULD YOU BE CONSIDERED FOR A CPA SCHOLARSHIP? * WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 5 YEARS? * HOW DO YOU VIEW GROWTH AND CHANGES IN THE PHARMACY PROFESSION?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.