Most of the work of the Association is done by the CPA Committees. It is through these committees that the Association is able to advance the strategic plan and the goals of the organization. Each Committee has a mission statement that provides the guidance for the committee.
Committees are open to ALL CPA members in good standing, and provide a great opportunity for you to be an active, engaged part of the CPA leadership.

Government Affairs Committee
Are you an advocate? You can help promote and communicate the pharmacy profession’s perspective as it relates to proposed legislation.
-Meets monthly during the CT Legislative Session (January/February-May/June).
-With the guidance of staff and CPA’s lobbyist, sets the legislative agenda for the association
-Develops educational materials for the annual Pharmacy Day at the Capitol event to spread awareness about the role of pharmacists and how policy affects pharmacy. Â
-Chairperson is responsible for delivering an annual report to be available at the annual Business Meeting held in February/March.
Chair: Julian Koruni contact

Education Committee
Have an interest in education? Get involved in identifying and recommending continuing education activities for CPA. We provide education at two conferences each year and have an additional three live programs offered in the fall. We also offer online homestudy CE programs for our members. Looking to provide webinars and expand our reach! Can you help?
-Meets monthly
-Takes responsibility for meetings sponsored by the organization.
-With the assistance of staff, plans cost effective, profitable events that further the professional goals of the organization’s membership.
-Develops and reviews CE program topics that further the professional goals of members and recruits funding.
-Reviews, evaluates and determines format and schedule of MidWinter Conference and CPA Annual Meeting.
-Updates and promotes CPA technician training program and online pharmacist refresher program.
-Chairperson is responsible for delivering an annual report to be available at the annual Business Meeting held in February/March.
Chair: Rob Picone contact

Membership Committee
Are you a networker? The mission of the Membership Committee is to actively recruit new members, to encourage member participation in association committees and activities and to determine if membership needs are being met and to recommend measures or services that will better meet the changing needs of members.
-Meets monthly.
-Develops methods to recruit and retain members.
-Evaluates member services and programs.
-Enhances student participation in CPA.
-Develop survey for member satisfaction and non-renewal
-Chairperson is responsible for delivering an annual report to be available at the annual Business Meeting held in February/March.
Chair: Allissa Long contact

Awards Committee
Do you know colleagues who go above and beyond in the practice of pharmacy? Do you find joy and purpose in professional recognition? The Awards Committee is the right fit for you.
-Meets once a year (typically in late June).
-Reviews nominations and selects annual recipients of the CPA Awards.
Chair: Emmett Sullivan contact
Scholarship Committee
Do you have a passion for supporting the next generation of pharmacists? Help us select outstanding students for the CPA scholarships.
-Meets once a year (typically in early August).
-Reviews scholarship applications submitted by pharmacy students across the state.
-Selects 6-7 CPA scholarship recipients who are honored at the Annual Awards Ceremony and Board Installation held every September.
Chair: Emmett Sullivan contact

Budget Committee
If you have a passion for numbers and a skill for budget projection, then this committee is for you. We need business-minded individuals to help prepare the CPA annual budget and monitor investments.
-Prepares/Reviews CPA budget
-Meets at least twice per year
-Treasurer is responsible for writing an annual report to be available at the annual meeting held in conjunction with the New England Pharmacists Convention
Co-Chairs: Adam Krakowiak, Jean Keating contact